My trip Up North
July 20th, 2010 by DiQld
Leaving Rockvegas on my way home in the Rain!!!!
Rockhampton Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th
No idea where I am going to stay I thought I would wing it this time! Well I chose what appeared a very nice motel on George street Villa Capri. It was not as nice as it looked. The room was ok on first appearance, I asked for a ground floor and I got the disabled room. The room was ok! but by the first hour I had decided that I was not staying here again. I am fairly fussy where I stay and where I see clients and I knew I would be apologising for this room… I do not like fully tiled Floors in a motel room nor do I like only primary colored bedspreads! I realise that the tiles may have been for the wheelchair issues but it is so Old Hat and Wheelchair bound people deserve nice appointments in a room too! Bunker lights attached to the walls as bedside Lights! A wardrobe the size of a very small broom Closet! A Sofa Bed – where the cushions were sagged in the centre of the sofa! The Microwave was 5 ft off the ground! the 20inch anaologue CRT TV was also too and the remote did not turn it off or on properly so you have to turn it on/off from the tv. The VCR is only 4ft off the ground tho – Bonus! This was not going to be a great stay!
After I had unpacked I went and asked for a couple of extra towels as I normally shower at least twice a day anyway. The guy actually asked why I wanted extra towels! who does that? I looked at him as if he was stupid and replied ‘To dry myself!” I should have moved hotels then but I didn’t! I had limited my clients due to my upper back being sore from battling the head winds the last couple of days anyway so thought it would be fine. I ordered a room service breakfast and asked for the whites to be cooked when I recieved my breakfast this morning The plate and contents were cold! the eggs had runny whites EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after I finished dry retching (I really cant deal with runny whites!) I grabbed the cold bacon and sandwiched it between 2 slices of toast and ate that. I was so upset I wrote them a note about how to warm plates and that they should read notes that clients write on their breakfast menu!
I oganised a massage this morning at 3 pm and then I went and bought a couple of shirts from my favorite shop in Rocky then I went and got some dinner and upon my return I was told that I was not to conduct business from his rooms and that although he was not throwing me out now if he saw any men entering my room he would ring the police and have me removed! I said excuse me? he then showed me á print out of the front page and rates page of my website. and again said he did would not have me working from his rooms. I pointed out that I was not doing anything illegal and the they most likely the police would not make me leave. As he was getting quite animated and I had no further bookings anyway, I decided that it was not worth the agro, so didnt bother mentioning the anti- discrimination commission. I could understand if I was being indiscreet by having large numbers of appointments or appointments back to back. Some people can be really silly! So I have since gone over and finalised my account and bought a couple of drinks, and acted as if nothing is wrong. But I will be glad to leave here as much as he will be glad to see me go! come on 6am!
Mackay Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th
I got going about 10:30 and made Mackay for lunch. Had a drink and somethng to eat at Mackay Harbour that is lovely there! If you ever get to Mackay it is worth the drive out there for Lunch. This weekend I took a couple of RnR days to spend with Friends, So no stories here!
Left Mackay at about 8:30am by the time I fuelled up and got going. uneventful trip to Rocky, again missed heaps of calls. Although I did make up 2 verses of a rhyme… and made really good time coming down.
Bowen Friday 23rd
Arrived in Bowen and it was windy! I found the motel and was impressed by this small unassuming motel but after I checked in the room was amazing! The staff were really nice, and there was a recliner in my room and a lovely big bed. The hotel was beautifuly appointed and very very clean and I felt really comfortable there. I had an appointment later in the evening so I went for a ride and found this cute little dog who decided that my front wheel would make a great chew toy! I was travelling at 50klm. I was very pleased that I managed to stop with the back tyre locking up before I squished the dog and then I was able to take off again before the dog realised it! That was far too exciting for such a small town!
I took the bike back to the motel a different way (no dogs) and walked up to the local mexican for dinner. then back to the motel for desert and off to sleep.
Townsville Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st, Thursday 22nd
The ride to Townsville was pretty good! uneventful and a beautiful day. Townsville has really changed since I was last there! The strand is fantastic… I stayed in a hotel on the strand and they were super nice. I would be happy to stay there again. I caught up with a mate I hadnt seen for many years and we had a steak for lunch at the seaview hotel, I have to tell you it was one of the best steaks I have had in many years! Better than the Breakie Creek or the Story Bridge in Brisbane.
I rode to Castle Hill and walked upto the highest lookout and took a few snaps, and rode around town trying to find the places that I remember from the last time I was there. it has totally changed and I could not find anything really.
Newspaper advetising is an interesting beast! The number of calls are incredible, but you dont really get to chat with the callers. I think I need to stop feeling guilty about not being able to speak to everyone that calls.
Weird story!
I was booked for an overnighter and he seemed ok! then when he was due there was a knock on the door and a genteman that really didnt look like what I was expecting was standing there. after I invited him him he said he was there to see Emily… I was suprised he had forgotten my name as he had been texting for a few days and earlier booking had to be moved, I replied my name was Di and he said he was there to see Emily and for some reason I asked if his name was Eric? he said No. I asked why he was there and he said he was the same as me a hooker! well you could have blown me over with a feather! I mean he was about 40 with a pot belly in an old cap and older t-shirt and stubby shorts and thongs! didnt particurlary look very clean either… all I could think was wow I was thinking No way would I pay you! he explained that he was trying to exit his current industry and thought this would help him get out quicker. I didnt have the heart to tell him he needed to improve alot of things in order to be a male pro. He said that it looked like we had been had and I replied yes it looks that way! he left! I was disapointed at the loss of income but all I could do was laugh! and think of Eric/Emily and how he must have so wanted to be a fly on the wall when he set this up! Poor bugger! he missed out on the hilarity! hehehe That was my last night in Townsville! What a memory to treasure! Thanks Eric I have finally met a male pro!
I left Townsville without fanfare but with a sense of sadness that I was essentially on my way home… But on to Bowen.
Mackay – Sunday 18th and Monday 19th
I got a late start from Gladstone. I made a wrong turn in town and ended up doing a circuit! Only added a couple of minutes tho… I arrived in Mackay about an hour and a half after I wanted to be there and when I checked in I was truly surprised by the lovely room I had. (I would tell you here but you never know who is reading this! – just contact me if you want to know which hotel)
I was waiting to see a particular person that had expressed an interest on a forum, but I dont think I saw him, but we will see…
On Sunday night the phone didnt stop but it was mainly just enquiry sadly! But the main purpose of this trip is to get my name known up here and to ride my bike for 11 days…. I will be happy to cover costs and make my normal budget! Well I have to go because I am needed elsewhere lol
Gladstone – Saturday 17th July
I threw my very heavy bag on the back of the Bike and excitedly rode out of the drive… I was finally off on my 11 day road trip! I fuelled up the bike and checked the tyres, and it really didn’t strike me the enormity of what I was doing until I passed the Maleny turnoff. I had a pretty uneventful ride up really. I stopped at a roadhouse and there were some bikers there (real outlaw Bikers!!!!) and they asked me to join them for breakfast… I did! I could never go out with a real biker I decided! that will happily stay a fantasy
I arrived in Gladstone to find I had had a huge response to my ad. over 30 missed Calls! Well I checked in and sat down and dragged the computer out and got the work gear out – stockings, lingerie, heels, makeup, toiletries, with my ears still ringing, I started responding to the calls with my details via SMS. but as fast as I was dealing with the days missed calls I had more calls coming in! eventually I gave up! but not before I had answered at least 10 calls from males extremely intoxicated and hard to understand… Then I got a call from 3 guys wanting to pay me a fortune to go to their place (cause they couldn’t drive- “we are too drunk”) so they could “hammer me” Hmmm I politely declined! and they were ok with that even tho they were “really cashed up and wanting to play” they were going to ring other girls…
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