
August 1st, 2019 by DiQld

Well I really fucked up!

30th July 2019 I wanted the opinion of my subscribers on onlyfans regarding a promo video I made with my last photoshoot. I forgot that I had my phone number and a ‘call me’ message on the last picture of it and Only fans saw it and deleted my account.  I wrote to them to explain that it was not asking for clients but just an opinion, but they said the decision was final and goodbye.

I am pissed at myself for being so stupid but rules is rules I guess so I have to cop it on the chin. Unfortunately, I have lost some $$$ (that is a kick in the guts) but I will live. but I am really pissed that my subscribers are also out of pocket too. I believe in getting what you pay for and so I have spent the last 2 days reading Terms of service agreements from the other sites that I can join to offer subscription and content.  I have got it down to 2 offerings and I might run both. as I think they will be different markets anyway. For those Onlyfan subscribers (yes I keep records) that follow me to where I end up I will be giving you a month free to make up for lost money.


2017… the year it was!

December 29th, 2017 by DiQld

Well what a bumpy ride 2017 was. Lots of ups and a steady down… I have seen my income halve again… obviously I have either made love to everyone in Brisbane or the influx of ladies into the industry and the further economic decline around the country has left my people without discretionary income to spend on a basic human need… the feelings of release and calmness we achieve after SEX.
This year saw me do some pretty amazing things… I am very grateful to a handful of amazing men I am lucky enough to call both clients and friends. I appreciate them more than then will ever know and I truly couldn’t have (emotionally and/or financially) gotten through this year with out them. They fed me… Urbane, Spice, Blackbird, Byblos, Ribs and Rump, Mecca bah, Ginga, The Osbourne, The Wickham, Harvey’s, Chow house, Happy boys, Alfred and Constance, the Cru Bar, Grill’d, and many more I cant remember both in Brisbane and away. taken me to lots of concerts… Paul McCartney, Cat Stevens, Lorde, Live, The Doobie Brothers, killing Heidi, Adele, GreenDay and taken me away to Auckland, Mooloolabah, Gold Coast, Sydney. I have added to my Teddy bear collection too… Biscuit from Peru, kiwi from New Zealand. I adopted a little girl this year too and her name is Cookie. She is turning into a lovely dog and has been entertaining, a worry and a joy over the last 10 months and I look forward to many years with her. We are at a point where we are finally starting to understand each other and what we need, although she likes to sleep in till around 11am and stay up no later than 10pm and I like to get up about 6am and stay up till around 12am. but I am sure they will sync up one day.
My friends have kept me sane by being there when they were needed and leaving me alone to enjoy my ‘caving time’ when I needed it. We have shared talks, wine, food, stresses and joys, and I am blessed to have these ladies in my life.

Economically, things have been tough and I don’t see that changing until the 2nd quarter of 2018. I would just once like to be proven wrong but I have been predicting this industries ups and down since 2008 and I am yet to be wrong 🙁 so whats happened to the profitable industry this was?